7 Tips For Working With Glow-In-The-Dark Paint

Working with glow-in-the-dark paint can be a blast. You can create portraits, paint inlays on furniture, or come up with a wall mural that can be enjoyed all night long. But working with this medium is quite different than using regular paint. If you're ready to jump into a new project, keep these seven tips in mind so your finished product looks great.

1. Use a Light Background

Glow in the dark paint works by reflecting light. Therefore, you want to use a light or white background, painting the canvas beforehand if necessary. Keep in mind that the darker the background is, the less of a glow you'll get.

2. Expect to Apply Several Coats

Some glow-in-the-dark paints are nearly invisible for the first few coats. This is because they only have a small amount of pigment added in order to enhance the amount of glow you see once the lights are off. If too many pigments are added to specialty colors, it reduces the glow you see.

The more coats you add, the different the effect of the glow, so don't expect one coat to be sufficient to get the desired effects.

3. Check for Uneven Spots Between Each Coat

After every layer applied, check for areas that appear to be uneven. Shine a UV lamp on the picture for several minutes, then observe in the dark. Obviously, what you see with the naked eye in the light will be very different that what happens when the lights go out.

4. Remember Less is More

Instead of globbing on thick layers of paint, use thin layers with a fine brush. Thick layers tend to create raised edges that emit a brighter glow. Unless that's the look you're going for, remember less is more. You can always add but you can't take away.

5. Let Each Coat Dry Completely

Before moving on to the next coat, let the first one dry completely. How long this takes varies. It could only need a few minutes, or it may need an hour. If you apply the next coat before the previous one dries, it actually erases the glow you created, and what you end up with is a darkened area.

6. Experiment with Different Tools

If you want to create a look with different textures, find objects around the house to use for special effects, like cotton balls, masking tape, sponges, toothpicks, etc.

7. Add a Layer of Gloss Epoxy

If your finished product feels rough to the touch, consider adding a layer of gloss epoxy to make it smooth and shiny. You can use a brush to apply, but it tends to look a little better if it's sprayed on.

For more information, contact a business such as glomania.
